Running DegNorm

DegNorm is a command line interface (CLI) tool. You can access it through the degnorm command and the MPI-enabled distributed version is degnorm_mpi.


You only need two types of files to supply degnorm - .bam files (0-indexed) and a .gtf file (1-indexed) if you have samtools in your $PATH. If you do not have samtools, you will also need bam index files to accompany your .bam files.

1. (Optional) index files (.bai)

Before running DegNorm, you will need to sort (and optionally, index) them with samtools sort. This command just re-orders reads by chromosome and starting index, so that they can be more useful to DegNorm later on.

To sort an alignment file, suppose it's called S1.bam, you can sort it with the following command:

# sort alignment files (necessary for indexing them)
samtools sort S1.bam -o S1_sorted.bam

DegNorm requires sorted .bam files because it really needs bam index files. If you don't create them first, DegNorm will run samtools index to create an index file for each input alignment file:

# create alignment index files
samtools index S1_sorted.bam S1_sorted.bai

Within the .bam files reads must be 0-indexed.

2. Paired or single-end aligned and sorted reads (.bam)

At least two alignment files (.bam) must be specified, as inter-sample degradation normalization cannot happen on a standalone RNA-Seq sample. We refer to the total number of samples as p.

If .bai files are not submitted, degnorm will look for .bai files named after the .bam files only with the ".bai" extension. If no such file is found, degnorm will attempt to build one with the samtools index command. This will only work if the .bam files are sorted. Instead of specifying individual .bam and .bai files, you can just specify --bam-dir, a path to a directory holding the relevant .bam and .bai files. With --bam-dir, it is assumed that the .bai files are named according to the .bam files, only with the ".bai" extension.

You can supply paired reads files or single end reads files.

Argument Required? Meaning
--bam-files If neither --warm-start-dir nor --bam-dir are specified Set of individual .bam files
--bai-files If samtools is not in the $PATH and neither --warm-start-dir nor --bam-dir are specified Set of individual .bai files. If specified, they must be in the order corresponding to --bam-files.
--bam-dir If neither --warm-start-dir nor --bam-files are specified Directory containing .bam and .bai files for a pipeline run. It is assumed the .bai files have the same name as the .bam files, just with a different extension.

3. Genome annotation file (.gtf)

DegNorm needs a .gtf file in order to construct the total transcript and compute all per-gene coverage score curves. It is assumed that the positions in the .gtf file are 1-indexed and that the file abides by the standard .gtf conventions.

Argument Required? Meaning
-g, --genome-annotation Yes .gtf file for relevant genome.

Start and end positions with the .gtf file must be 1-indexed. Additionally, the .gtf file must have the 9 standard .gtf fields. Here is an example of a .gtf file we use to test degnorm:

seqname source feature start end score strand frame attribute
chr1 unknown exon 323892 324060 . + . gene_id "LOC100133331"; gene_name "LOC100133331"; transcript_id "NR_028327_1"; tss_id "TSS14025";
chr1 unknown exon 324288 324345 . + . gene_id "LOC100133331"; gene_name "LOC100133331"; transcript_id "NR_028327_1"; tss_id "TSS14025";
chr1 unknown exon 324439 326938 . + . gene_id "LOC100133331"; gene_name "LOC100133331"; transcript_id "NR_028327_1"; tss_id "TSS14025";

Specifically, the attribute field must, at a minimum, contain either a gene_name or gene_id attribute so that we can pair exons to uniquely-identified genes. Also, .gtf records will be filtered down to those whose feature = "exon".

Using a warm start directory

Loading multiple .bam files, parsing a .gtf file, and computing per-gene cross-sample coverage matrices and read counts, can take some time, but this is a one-time preprocessing cost given a specific set of RNA-Seq samples. If you run the degnorm pipeline once, you can leverage the stored coverage, read counts, and parsed transcript data from an existing DegNorm output directory to start a a new DegNorm run where all of the preprocessing is completed ahead of time. When using --warm-start-dir you do not need to supply a .gtf file.

Argument Required? Meaning
--warm-start-dir No A directory holding the contents of a successful previous degnorm pipeline run. When specified, there is no need to supply a .gtf file.

Runtime and algorithmic parameters

Argument Required? Meaning
-o, --output-dir No Output directory. Default is current working directory. Directory will be created if it doesn't currently. If not supplied or if directory already exists, DegNorm creates a new output directory degnorm_mmddYYYY_HHMMSS.
--plot-genes No Names of genes for which to render coverage plots. Sequence of explictly stated gene names or a .txt file containing one gene name per line.
-d, --downsample-rate No Integer downsampling rate. Systematic samples of a coverage matrix are used to speed up NMF iterations.
--nmf-iter No Number of iterations per NMF-OA approximation. The higher the more accurate the approximation, but the more costly in terms of time.
--iter No Number of whole DegNorm iterations. Default is 5.
--minimax-coverage No Minimum cross-sample maximum coverage for a gene before it is included in the DegNorm pipeline. Can be used to exclude relatively low-coverage genes.
-s, --skip-baseline-selection No Flag to skip baseline selection, will greatly speed up DegNorm iterations.
--non-unique-alignments No Flag, allow non-uniquely mapped reads. Otherwise, DegNorm only keeps reads with NH (number of hits) == 1 (default behavior).
-p, --proc-per-node No Integer number of processes to spawn per compute node. The more the better. Defaults to a lonely 1.

Example usage

Required: sorting, indexing alignment files

Remember - prior to running degnorm, you must sort your aligned reads and create index files (.bai files). Suppose we have set of .bam files in our current working directory that we would like to send through DegNorm, the following commands will sort the .bam files and create .bai files, all with samtools:

# sort and index alignment files in current working directory.
for FILE in ./*.bam
    echo 'sorting '$FILE
    samtools sort $FILE -o ${FILE/.bam/}'_sorted.bam'
    echo 'indexing '${FILE/.bam/}'_sorted.bam'
    samtools index ${FILE/.bam/}'_sorted.bam' ${FILE/.bam/}'_sorted.bai'

Launching a full degnorm run "the verbose way"

Next, after the alignment files have been sorted (and optionally indexed), let's run degnorm "the verbose way" by enumerating each .bam and .bai file individually. Suppose we have two sorted alignment files, S1_sorted.bam and S2_sorted.bam, and that we want to save the results of the pipeline to a new directory called degnorm_output.

# run degnorm on two samples on 20 cores, using 100 NMF iterations per gene
degnorm --bam-files S1_sorted.bam S2_sorted.bam \
    --bai-files S1_sorted.bai S2_sorted.bai \
    -g human.gtf \
    -p 20 \
    -o degnorm_output

If we did not specify any --bai-files, then DegNorm would automatically search for files "S1_sorted.bai" and "S2_sorted.bai" because they're named after the alignment files, "S1_sorted.bam" and "S2_sorted.bam." If those index files cannot be found, they will be created in the same directory containing the input .bam files, only if samtools is in your $PATH.

Launching a full degnorm run "the easy way"

It's probably just easier to supply degnorm with an input data directory containing all of our .bam files, instead of each .bam file individually. Suppose that data directory is located at degnorm_data/GBM. Let's also use 5 DegNorm iterations, 50 NMF iterations per gene per NMF iteration, and route output to a directory besides the current working directory.

degnorm --bam-dir degnorm_data/GBM \
    -g human.gtf \
    -p 20 \
    --nmf-iter 50 \
    -o degnorm_output

Using a warm start directory

After one pipeline run, we could start degnorm from the output directory resulting from the first run - this directory is known as the "warm start" directory. This time, let's exclude genes with a maximum coverage (across all samples) less than 20, and run DegNorm with only 3 iterations. In this example, the DegNorm_102118_081045 warm start directory would have been generated from a prior DegNorm run.

degnorm --warm-start-dir degnorm_output/DegNorm_102118_081045 \
    -p 20 \
    -o degnorm_output \
    --minimax-coverage 20 \
    --iter 3

Launching distributed runs with MPI

Let's speed this up by distributing DegNorm's workload over multiple servers with degnorm_mpi! If the mpi4py python package has been installed (meaning that MPICH is available in your compute environment). You can still specify the number of cores to use on each node with -p.

# run degnorm_mpi using 4 nodes ("-n 4")
mpiexec -n 4 degnorm_mpi \
    --warm-start-dir degnorm_output/DegNorm_GBM_102018 \
    -p 20 \
    -o degnorm_output \
    --minimax-coverage 20
    --nmf-iter 100

The functionality of degnorm_mpi is the same as the single-node degnorm command, so you can continue using warm start directories just like you could with degnorm. If you are unfamiliar with MPI, you may find Wes Kendall's tutorials very enlightening.

Example job submission script

Below is an example of a shell script containing the contents of a job you might submit to a job manager (e.g. MOAB). Note that additional steps would be required to convert this script into a SLURM job submission script.


Raw and estimated coverage data are stored in separate .pkl files, one file per chromosome. See the posthoc analysis documentation for helper functions to access coverage data.

A gene that has 100% missing coverage (no coverage found in any RNA-seq sample) will not be run through DegNorm for numerical stability purposes and will therefore not have a coverage matrix stored in any of the .pkl files.

In addition to per-gene coverage matrices, degnorm will produce raw and degradation-adjusted read counts, a matrix of degradation index scores, a matrix describing which genes were sent through the baseline selection procedure and when, along with various summary graphics and a pipeline summary report. The report will render as an .html file, but if you have pandoc installed it will be converted to a .pdf.

├── degnorm.log
├── degradation_index_scores.csv
├── ran_baseline_selection.csv  # matrix of Booleans: which genes go thru baseline selection
├── gene_exon_metadata.csv  # chromosome, gene, exon relationship data
├── read_counts.csv  # raw read counts
├── adjusted_read_counts.csv  # degradation normalized read counts
├── chr1
│   ├── GAPDH_coverage.png
│   ├── <more coverage plots>
│   ├── coverage_matrices_chr1.pkl  # (gene, raw coverage matrix) pairs in serialized python dictionary.
│   └── estimated_coverage_matrices_chr1.pkl # (gene, estimated coverage matrix) pairs in serialized python dictionary.
├── chr2
│   ├── coverage_matrices_chr2.pkl
│   └── estimated_coverage_matrices_chr2.pkl
├── chr3
│   ├── coverage_matrices_chr3.pkl
│   └── estimated_coverage_matrices_chr3.pkl
├── chr4
│   ├── GAPDH_coverage.png
│   ├── coverage_matrices_chr4.pkl
│   └── estimated_coverage_matrices_chr4.pkl
├── <more chromosome directories>
│   ├── <more raw coverage matrix .pkl files>
│   └── <more estimated coverage matrix .pkl files>
└── report
    ├── degnorm_summary.pdf # (or .html if pandoc not available)
    ├── di_boxplots.png
    ├── di_correlation.png
    └── di_heatmap.png